went shopping with amery 2day,its reali ntg nice when its on sale..a blouse from Guess shop attract all my attention,it is a golden silk blouse,high neck,sleeveless,my god the design is soooo nice..i started to imagine hw it would look on me,it make my idesire of getting it stronger,enter the shop n look for the price,faint! RM 549 !!gosh.. thinking an alternative way,mayb i should js buy a similiar silk clothes n bring to tailor custom made,lol..
end up i bought a blue silk blouse,s wat i sai d earlier: sale no nice thng,nice thng so sale..so my gain got to pay at ori price..rm59.90 although stil expensive 2 me,bt its like 10 times cheaper than my Guess dream blouse,lol..
after that we go q-up for baskin robbin,yea..our main purpose 2day..31% sale,luckily amery knw there is a smaller BR stll at old wings which nt so much ppl knw,no long quee n we can try more flavours..
Then i go pasar malam with housemates,change the singlet taht i bought for a few months bt cant fit in..dn 1 2 buy lingerie anymore,bt cant contol while xiao ting ask me 2 choose for her..lol..end up,2 more gains of the day.
my night was interesting to chat with a fren who contain 5 months in a year: July,August,September,October,November..this make me rmb the name better..the small thng that i've nvr realise..